My Story
Hi, my name is Shelley and I am a life long recovering perfectionist. Someone once told me people who are perfectionist are scared- scared they will make a mistake and people will not like them. Sad but true, I have spent most of my life with that thought in my head.
I spent 20 years in corporate America chasing money and advancement. I was very successful professionally but personally I was suffering. I felt I lacked purpose and meaning in my life and work. There had to be more to life. So I followed a passion of mine and ran a successful boutique fitness studio in Northern Virginia for 7 years.
During that time, my personal life hit rock bottom. My marriage was suffering and ended in divorce, I admitted to a 30 year battle with an eating disorder, and everything seemed to spiral downwards. Eventually my business permanently closed due to COVID. I lost my identity in life.
Fortunately I find my own Life Coach and the Awareness Model that helped me turn around so many areas of my life. By changing my thoughts, a new life and career opened up. I healed, forgave others, found my purpose in life and gained total dependence on God.
I promise you do not have to be stuck and struggling forever. Together we can help you towards your own definition of Better Living.

"Your thoughts create your feelings which generate your actions and cause results. What you are thinking can transform your life."